I already heard the whole recording and translating word for word would be cumbersome :

; However, essentially what he says is:
1. What really matters for them in terms of date is the reception date not AOR or accusse de reception. The counselor says that once your
application is received and physically opened at the BIQ, it is stamped and dated (even before collecting any money) and that rules will apply
based on that date.
2. Any application "received and stamped" before Dec 6, 2011 will be evaluated based on the older rules. (pre-obligatory language test).
All other application received after Dec 6, 2011 --excepting those application where Preliminary evaluation has been done-- are subject to the
new regulations. Those application where prelimary evaluation has been completed will be evaluated according to the rules in effect at the
moment of reception.
3. This is the contradictory part. He answers a question saying that if you have already received AOR then prelimary evaluation has been completed
; BUT in the next question he answers he says that prelimary evaluation is done after AOR. so he contradicts himself.
4. He states that language test cannot be send after you file the application. Once you sent your application, if you choose not to send your
language test you will get 0 points for that language. They will not wait for you to update your application. So, if you haven't received you
official score sheet wait until you do, otherwise you won't be getting those points.
5. As for the 20,000 limit. He states that according to his experience and based on the restrictive rules there is no way that they are going to meet
the limit, so you can send your application without fear.
So, IMO I'd say that all of us that send the application between Dec, 2011 and now are in the grinder. With the new regulations I basically lose about 5 points, which it's really unfair.