its just discussionalq814 said:Thanks for that link is known to most of us that Quebec would like their immigrants to successfuly adapt once we get there, hence ONE of the many other requirements to apply as QSW is the french test result. However, I am just trying to understand Leevy's situation to be able to help her in my own little ways. And if we talk factual here...based on quebec government website, we can still submit application providing our AOT belongs to the list which gives 6,12 or 16 points AND achieving at least the required minimum points. I am not saying french language is not important (otherwise I wouldn't spend money, time and effort to learn the language) and i have suggested this to Leevy as well.
If you want to discuss general matter, that is perfectly fine. But if you quote something specific then make your point specific too for the benefit of the one asking for help and for the rest of the members of this forum as well. Cheers.