Hello there,
NOW FOR EVERYONE THAT HAS SMALL KIDS, UNDER 4, and u wanna them to go to a day care...u should put them on a waiting list from now, as the daycares here are fullll...they have waiting list 1-2 years!!! Otherwise u register them in private ones if u find places and u pay 40-65 $ per day, after each month the goverment pays u back 75% depending on ur financial situation.
About schools no problem, any area has its schools, all Montreal is vvv nice, but is a real problem with furniture, as everething u buy no one will come to deliver it unless u pay or to ensamble it unless u pay as well and is costy! To put a tv on a wall stand they asked 200 $

....but u can arrange all this with the Concierge in ur building oir with the maintenance guy ..they ask for 15 $/hour, so is fine. Sure is better u buy ur own furniture.Here all appartments are with all kitchen equipment fridge, stove...each floor u have washing machines so no need to buy those, all have built-in wall closets.
How old are ur kids?
Bring no goods, just money, maybe if u have Persian rugs bring them here are vvv expensive, jewerly...otherwise u have everything here. There is a site a sow everyone here use it to buy stuff, they have really nice things from clothes to furniture and vvv good prices, is called BEYOND THE RACK.
To rent an apartment u can try Ville Marie, Notre Damme du Grace ( here is NDG),Cote du Neige , but is vvv important to be close to a Metro.
In kijiji.ca u find for rent.