Dr. Tarekk,dr tarekk said:guys,ma3 e7tirami elkon ento garibin jad,kif 3am te5leto ben Quebec w federal,souheilo ,ma32ol betfaker bi hal tari2a ya man,ba3rfak enet ensan read many forums w sarlak fatra bil forum????kif betfaker bi hal tari2a???
1-awal shi el files eli cancel them in 2008 hoe kan for federal mesh Quebec ,ya3ni for people who apply men el asas federal,w hada shi mafhom la kel nas w ma3rof lal kel bass garibi enno ento ma 3am tmaizo ben Quebec w federal,ask mft25 w ger nas about it.
2- tani shi Quebec 7atet new criteries mshan accept candidates taba3a w declared enno within 2014 to 2015 bedha accept just 6500 files ,ya3ni in other words Quebec will give just 6500 CSQ for this period,mesh enno federal will cancel people who did medicals last year as u said before.
3-dont be confused between QSW and federal skilled worker,hadol shaglten me5telften completly.u have passed all way when u got CSQ w person just does medical and security check within federal part.
regards ya jama3a
good luck
All i can say is people are really tired on this forum. E2refna. La emta rah indal hayk. Wu niheyeta wayne, wu lawayne rayheen.