hello again
please help me understand what to do
1-who is the best medical doctor to have my medicals? and should i call and reserve today
2-i didnt understand how to pay the 490 $ CAD fees
3- in the medicals email, they included *Note- veuillez nous confirmer la réception de formulaire médical dans un délai de 5 jours de la date de cette correspondance." so, i just reply to them and say "i successfully received the email" ?
please help me understand what to do
1-who is the best medical doctor to have my medicals? and should i call and reserve today
2-i didnt understand how to pay the 490 $ CAD fees
3- in the medicals email, they included *Note- veuillez nous confirmer la réception de formulaire médical dans un délai de 5 jours de la date de cette correspondance." so, i just reply to them and say "i successfully received the email" ?