So friends .. I'm back from Ankara and here's my interview story in details .. I hope anyone who didn't do yet their interview will benefit from my experience!
So I did already my reservation in Sheraton Ankara (where the interview took place), so I didn't drive from another place or so ..
I was on Thursday 5 in the Hotel where I prepared myself and I passed by the hotel reception and asked them where the Quebec interview are taking place and they told me that the MF floor is the right floor for these interviews .. so I passed that day to check the location and see everything in the hotel ...
The second day, Friday 6 (Today Morning) .. I woke up, prepared myself and went down to the MF floor about 7:55 AM in the morning with ALL my file and the whole package with the original university degree (took it with the degree holder

) and I sit in the small lobby .. then at 8:00 AM a nice man passed by that lobby and said Bonjour to me, I answered him Bonjour Monsieur ..
After that, another guy came to the lobby and appeared also to be Lebanese who presented his application back on 2009 ??? :

.. so basically he was almost 2 years before me and we were doing the interview at the same time ..
Anyway @ 8:15, Monsieur Marc came and said my name but at that time I was chatting and laughing with the other guy and couldn't hear exactly what he said LOL

.. so I confirmed again with him that he said my name and he answered me OUI ..
Alors, I went with him to the office were the interview was held ... (He invited me to enter the room, I told him apres vous monsieur, but he insisted to enter first so I did) ..
He told me you can sit here, and when I was sitting he was going to his laptop and he looked at me .. I told him in French of course that I'm very excited that finally this interview come .. (he laughed a bit) ..
This man was very gently, nice but at the same time professional ...
So he started that he's from the canadian government and he will assess my file and language and at the end he'll give me the result bla bla bla (teh famous introduction) ..
I told him pas de probleme monsieur ...
And of course at the same time I put in front of me my BIG file and my degree ..
He said that he wants to see my passport, so I gave him that .. he started to look at my visas and stopped a little bit on my 5 years USA visa but that was it ..
Guys I can tell you from the whole interview experiences that I saw over the web and on this forum .. my Interview was the weirdest at ALL ...
Monsieur Marc asked for my passport and didn't ask me not for 1 SINGLE PAPER FROM MY FILE .. NOTHING ...
I spent months prepare everything all over again as originals and stamps everything etc .. but he asked for NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING!!! Weird ..
AND he didn't even have my file with him .. JUST HIS LAPTOP!!!!
Anyway, he gave me back my passport and start to ask me:
1- You did your TCFQ exam and you took B1 and B2
Answer in French = yes I did it because it is essential d'apres la loi 101 au Quebec where the french language is a MUST, and I told him that I am more as advance in French but I can't practice that because I use all the time the English in my job etc.
2- He asked me but you didn't do the english exam
ANswer in French = No I didn't because I'm already majored from an American university and I have a work experiene more than 7 years where I use all the time the English language
3- So do you want to continue the interview in english
ANswer in french/englich = I told him it's up to you monsieur, I can talk both english and french (however, because I was prepared everything in french and I memorized everything in French so I was afraid to turn the interview in english) ..
4- So he asked me in English = Why do you want to go to Quebec
ANswer in English/French = I tried to answer in english and although I'm very good in english but all the time the answer was turning into French hahaha and he said in English Sir ??? ???
5- He turned into French again and he asked me different questions about my job, mes taches principales aux cours d'un jour typique, he asked me if I did researches sur le cout de vie au quebec and I answered him of course and gave so much details (but in my opinion they can catch right away the accent and IF the applicants know if they can speak fluently or not) .. in my case I was answering very fast in French and with much details and all the time he was interrupting me and telling me that this is OK (in other words, it's OK to stop and not dig more into other details) ...
He asked me about the reglumentation of my job and I told him that there is the order de l'ingenieure qu quebec and I did too many researches and my job is not reglumente .. he asked me about my points of weakness and this is when I satrted to think and say hmmmm with no answer .. he told me you don't have any and started to laugh .. I answered him I know that saying NONE is not the best answer for this question however I cannot think of anything now ... then he started to write on his PC and after 1 minute I told him yes I am sensitive LOL

.. he laughed a bit again ...
He asked me when did you send your TCFQ results, I said hmmm I was thinking about the month but he said only the year then I told him in 2013 ..
He asked me if I started to talk with employeur potentiel au quebec and I told him yes and I received many emails from them but not real jobs because they don;t accept yet new employees' resumes without the CSQ with them .. he said yes you are right ..
Then asked me who are these employeur, I mentioned about 5 big companies d'informatique au Quebec and I told him about my job and how it's important in Quebec bla bla bla .. etc.
So basically even if you see that these are too many details, but believe me the interview was very fast; took only about 20-25 minutes and there was too many silent moments where he was typing on his PC ..
He didn't ask me for ANYTHING ... NOTHING ..
At the end, he said Ok monsieur je veux t'accepter pour le quebec and I need couple minutes to print your CSQ and I will tell you what to do with these papers when I'm done ..
He printed that and told me which one to keep and which one to send with the federal etc. I asked him if he knows how much time will this take but he said that he doesn't know about that ..
Then he stand up, me too and helped me open the door LOL as I was carrying everything with me and I told him that I appreciate his time and goodbye!
Straight Forward guys ..
Then later I saw the other Lebanese guy couple time in the airport throughout my trips from Ankara to Istanbul to Beirut and he also received his CSQ ...
However the only difference between our CSQ that I got it with Priority .. he didn't get that as he's majored in Hospitality and I am majored in Computer Science ..
Moi it's Code130. Dossier vise par traitement prioritaire - domaine de formation
This is all my interview story .. thank God and please let me know of any questions!