You need travel authorization in order to come to Canada - or you need to fall under an exemption (e.g. having an immediate family member such as a spouse who is in Canada).
Yes, you should assume that you will be refused boarding by the airline if you don't have written authorization from IRCC or don't fall under an exemption.
Individuals with COPRs issued after March 2000 are not allowed to travel to Canada at this time.
Thank you for your honest response. However, I am struggling to understand why PR visas with a short expiration date were issued to applicants in the first place since there are still travel restrictions in place.
Also, I happen to be on a WhatsApp group where applicants share their landing stories which includes being requested of a landing authorization at PoE but are eventually being allowed to go without the authorization.
The question now is does anyone know the timeline involved to get this landing authorization if it is requested?
Thank you