The government instructions seem contradicting to me so I'm not sure how to interpret the fact that they say you can quarantine with other people in a household, but NOT in a small apartment... I dont know what they consider a SMALL apartment....
In my opinion, its OK to rent an apartment and live in separate rooms, its better than sharing a house with old parents.
here is the excerpt from Gov't website:
A suitable place of quarantine is one where you:
- Have access to the necessities of life without leaving your place of quarantine
- Have a separate bedroom if the space is shared with family/friends who didn't travel with you
- Can limit interactions with others in the household. If spaces, such as a kitchen, are shared:
- wear a mask or face covering if a 2m distance cannot be maintained;
- thoroughly and regularly clean common areas after use
- Are not living with those at risk of more severe disease
- Are not in close contact with others who did not travel with you. For example, do not quarantine in:
- a group or communal living setting, including camps or students dorms unless the location is pre-authorized;
- a household with a large family or many people
- a shared small apartment or similar setting