Which of the other Provincial Nominee Programs are the best/easy options for the International Students who are graduated from Ontario college, done 2x Graduate Certificate courses ( one year each; comprising two years of academic year ) and presently working in a full time job in their field in Ontario.
The reason for asking is that OINP 'International Graduate with Job Offer stream' is paused for a long time and the clause to apply in this stream is with the two years of graduation and for me unfortunately, this deadline is completing soon in October 2017.
Your collective answers/guidance would be valuable to many forum users and much appreciated.
1) British Columbia: correct me if I am wrong, but I have herd that if International Student graduated from any other province gets a full-time job offer then getting the BC PNP is easiest, as there are no clauses that the candidate must have worked six months or a year with the BC employer before filing the PNP. Could anyone please correct me or add more to the information. Thanks.
The reason for asking is that OINP 'International Graduate with Job Offer stream' is paused for a long time and the clause to apply in this stream is with the two years of graduation and for me unfortunately, this deadline is completing soon in October 2017.
Your collective answers/guidance would be valuable to many forum users and much appreciated.
1) British Columbia: correct me if I am wrong, but I have herd that if International Student graduated from any other province gets a full-time job offer then getting the BC PNP is easiest, as there are no clauses that the candidate must have worked six months or a year with the BC employer before filing the PNP. Could anyone please correct me or add more to the information. Thanks.