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I'm putting all of our proofs together and I have a few questions about them.
We will be applying for common-law sponsorship and have been living together since 24/08/2018 until now. We will stop cohabiting on 15/09/2019 because I will go back to Canada at which time we will apply for the common law sponsorship.
For cohabitation proofs I have:
1 year lease with both our names
Letter from the landlord stating that we both lived together for 1 year in his apartment
Utility bills paid by each of us in an alternating manner (one month me/one month her)
Letter from her parents
The last 3 weeks of cohabitation were in different Airbnbs so I can provide the reservation detail with both our names.
Receipts of online shopping for each of us stating the same address
From what I understand, it's not the strongest proof but it should be enough. It's pretty much all we have too.
For the genuineness of the relationship proofs I have:
Letters from 3 different friends
10 pages of proof of contact from social media communication
20 photos of us at different times/different settings/with family and friends.
Will write a not so short summary of our relationship and our plans for the future.
Receipts of money transfer from me to her with enough money for the year we lived together.
Receipts of plane tickets and entry visas of me visiting her before we started living together.
My main question is, do you think it's enough?
The utility bills are in Indonesian but we can clearly see the unit # of the apartment, the amount, that it is a utility bill and the date. Do I need to get them translated or could I just highlight the important stuff? We have 12 of them so I would rather not do it if possible. I can post a picture if needed
Since I'll be back in Canada at the time that I apply, I can put my Canadian address and I don't have to fill the form about intentions on coming back to live in Canada, right?
We will be applying for common-law sponsorship and have been living together since 24/08/2018 until now. We will stop cohabiting on 15/09/2019 because I will go back to Canada at which time we will apply for the common law sponsorship.
For cohabitation proofs I have:
1 year lease with both our names
Letter from the landlord stating that we both lived together for 1 year in his apartment
Utility bills paid by each of us in an alternating manner (one month me/one month her)
Letter from her parents
The last 3 weeks of cohabitation were in different Airbnbs so I can provide the reservation detail with both our names.
Receipts of online shopping for each of us stating the same address
From what I understand, it's not the strongest proof but it should be enough. It's pretty much all we have too.
For the genuineness of the relationship proofs I have:
Letters from 3 different friends
10 pages of proof of contact from social media communication
20 photos of us at different times/different settings/with family and friends.
Will write a not so short summary of our relationship and our plans for the future.
Receipts of money transfer from me to her with enough money for the year we lived together.
Receipts of plane tickets and entry visas of me visiting her before we started living together.
My main question is, do you think it's enough?
The utility bills are in Indonesian but we can clearly see the unit # of the apartment, the amount, that it is a utility bill and the date. Do I need to get them translated or could I just highlight the important stuff? We have 12 of them so I would rather not do it if possible. I can post a picture if needed
Since I'll be back in Canada at the time that I apply, I can put my Canadian address and I don't have to fill the form about intentions on coming back to live in Canada, right?