Hi Bryanna,
I applied for the visa into Bangalore VFS through my husbands company first ,worst thing happened was we packed ,i left my job and applied visa in whose cover letter my husband wrote on my behalf saying that I am leaving my job to accompany my husband

We waited applied visa on 19th march and the visa arrived on 21st April and rejected stating due to my family ties and employement condition and financial situation.
before the visa arrived my husband postponed the date for his travel coz of me twice which was 10th April ,the visa counsellate called him for an interview stating to discuss about your spouse visa .
My husband already had a visa until his passport gets expired ,they discussed it with him only and i was not called ,and then they reduced his visa to two months :'( :'( :'( :'(, yet he had to leave as he was going on official purpose and I was left alone here without any job and husband :'( :'( :'(.
after that ,I first got my passport updated and changed with my husbands name on it and then on 14th April have submitted the application again with more of additional documents like-
Our property details
my policy
his bank statement
my bank statement
my itineary for going to my inlaws house once I am back which I have updated in the cover letter
my itineary for going to Cananda which also shows the amount I paid for the tickets
ITR and form 16 with the reason letter why these documents were not submitted last time
my reason stating that I am going to celebrate my birthday .
In the Cover letter I have updated a lot many times about my intention to come back .
Now everyday I open with a pray for the VFS site to say its dispatched and I can see my husband :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(.............
Hope I get it please