I answered that question with no, should I raise a webform before receiving the procedural fairness letter or what should I do?
Hello MesopotamiaSon,
October 18th is a long time ago. At this point withdrawing your application is not the way to go as you may not be able to if an eligibility review has started or a final decision is about to be made on the application.
This situation is not new to me. Given the duration waited for you to realize the mistake leaves your application hanging on a balance. However, if you don't try, you may not know. Don't just send a message via the webform, fill out a new IMM 1294e Form and ensure to correct the error by ticking the correct information coupled with a concise Letter of Explanation (LOE) using persuasive words and hope it works in your favour. Visit www.gcmswriters.com if you need professional writing assistance.
There is no guarantee that the dittoed will remedy the situation as you wasted too much time realizing the error. At this point, it will be wise if you request your GCMS notes to proactively monitor your application process. You can request your GCMS notes by tapping the blue highlighted words or reach out to @GCMSWriters on IG, Telegram, and/or Twitter.
– JS