You need a lawyer. This case is far too tricky for us regular folks and it is absolutely crucial that you do not make any mistakes at this point. If you choose to not mention the fake passport, you will have to explain how you managed to get to Canada. If you leave and pretend you were never in Canada, then you will have to explain how you met your wife, how you got married and how she got pregnant. You would also have to fake yourself a new past, where you've lived and worked since 2008. If they check up and find that you lied, you might have more problems having lied to them than you would have had if you told the truth.
I do not know how serious of an offence it is to have used a fake passport but this I know, you will need a lawyer for this.
I do not know how serious of an offence it is to have used a fake passport but this I know, you will need a lawyer for this.