You have to go ahead and use your portal credentials like I did. You are inside Canada, right? During your landing IRCC will ask proof that your spouse will arrive to Canada prior to some date (the date depends on circumstances). They asked me the same proof when I did my landing. In other words, they ask a flight ticket for your spouse.I called ircc on friday and agent told me that my wife copr wont be issued until travel restrictions are lifted and only when she comes to Canada her copr will be issued. She had applied for spouse open work permit and instead of a PPR on PR application she will get visa for sowp. Now sowp decision is pending and agent said until travel restrictions are lifted decisions wont be made. Now I don't know if that is true but do you guys think they will issue a copr to her as she is Outland ?
All this discussion about her SOWP is "bullshit". The agent just doesn't know or doesn't care.
If they send you portal credentials, your PR application has been approved but not finalized yet. Your spouse and you don't need temporary status anymore.
There is only one goal left is landing for you and your wife. Then your application will be finalized and you with your spouse become PRs.
You have to complete your landing through the portal because you are inside Canada. And there is a special landing procedure for outland applicants (for your spouse).
Next time she comes to Canada, she has to do landing at the border and become a new PR.
Visa for SOWP isn't related to landing procedure and doesn't show a border officer correct information. It will show that a SOWP holder come to Canada. Yes, there are travel restrictions for SOWP holders in place.
BUT where did you see travel restrictions which don't allow to complete landing for outland applicants??
Did someone see travel restrictions which don't allow to issue a PPR for outland applicants?
I think you started with the wrong request. That's why you got that answer from an agent. Indeed, COPR can be activated only at the Canadian border. That's why your spouse has to come to Canada. An agent was right about it. BUT you didn't say that your spouse need a PPR only. You had to start with the question about a PPR for your spouse