People here aren't passive - although I can see why you would make that mistake without having spent any real time here. Yes - there have been many many challenges over the years: petitions to the immigration minister / MPs (many originating from this forum), letters to MPs (again, many originating from this forum), even sometimes media involvement (again, originating from this forum), etc., etc., etc. In fact there's a petition on this subject being circulated right now in the Family Sponsorship section of the forum. We have sometimes seen positive change as a result of these actions - however this particular rule is one that no administration over the last decade has been willing to change.I think everyone's opinion matters. I'm new to this forum. I know rules are rules. Rules are meant to be challenged. If this topic has been discussed for years, hasn't anyone done anything about it, ie. speak or write to MP's or local political reps, etc, or even write to immigration head office with as much support on points such as the one we've been discussing? I'm on your side. I certainly will be writing to Candice Bergen to express my disappointment in this process and will gather as much support as possible. Though I am appreciative of the support of such a platform as this, it is passive in the sense that it doesn't go further than this forum. How can there be change if there is a collective agreement among us on a number of these points that only hinder us in this process, such as mine and many others in the exact same boat?
By all means write a letter. But you also need to move ahead with your application under the current rules. I would place focus on that and get your outland application in as soon as possible.