I received this on the 8th of January for my spouse that is still outland.
‘’ The processing of your application for permanent residence in Canada is almost complete. You must complete the following steps within 30 davs in order for our oftice to issue vour Confirmation of Permanent Residence and, if applicable, your permanent residence visa. If the principal applicant is in Canada, the accompanying family members should submit their passports within 30 days after the principal applicant has attended the landing appointment. If we receive your passports before the permanent resident status of the principal applicant in Canada is confirmed. we will return them to vol and you will be asked to pay the transmission fee again when you re-submit. If for any reason you are not able to meet this deadline, please inform our Halifax IRCC office immediately via the IRCC Web Form’’
I want to ask that can she submit her passport now while am still waiting for my ecopr? Thank you guys