Don't even think about applying for renewal till you meet 730 days requirement rather I personally applied 10-15 days after 730 just to be on the safe side. Plus as far,as I remember they already issued rq so that,will be on your file wait for the decision of rq once inshallah (with God's will ) it get approved then still complete 730 days physicall presence then apply for renewal.. Towards your question what will happen? to be honest I asked this to immigration officer during my interview for h&c grounds as she was nice and at the end I,just asked what if I apply for renewal? She said the case or file will remain there till we made the decision. Plus you might have read,my other post I appied,for renewal after 750 days approx. on 13 sep, still waiting for pr as,cic said they send the documents for further verification so just pray,for me as well. My support will always,be there for,u or,for anyother person particularly mother's who have to live without kids due to so many laws... I totally understand the frustration dear, but there,is no other way. Fight for your last chance, last because if you go back now. You will never be able to make it again n might have regret latter,that you could have stayed for your children's future. So be possitive n may this new yr. Brings happiness to all of our lives. Best of luck.