A child can be Canadian but is not Canadian born if born abroad. It can have implication for the child's future children. If the child has ongoing medical issues that is more of a reason for the child to return to Canada once having left the hospital so ongoing care is no an excuse as long as the child is safe to travel (e.g. no ventilator' etc.). If the mother has sons, brothers/sisters, cousins who live nearby that is viewed as acceptable caregivers. Canada doesn't consider that it must be the daughter. If she was able to spend 2 years in Canada someone else was clearly taking care of the mother. If she was with her husband everyday then she could count the time together. They would have to show proof. The one issue is that to count it should be the PR accompanying the Canadian citizen for the time to count The rule is often not enforced. How was the family surviving if the husband and wife weren't working and they had 3 young children plus medical costs?
Thanks for replying & the info you included in your reply.
Her former husband had money to support his family during their stay. The husband had to return after one year of being there with them. I don't think there is anyway to prove that ad they are no longer together. They separated upon her return in 2015.
Her mom as I mentioned earlier relies on her with doctors visits, hospital stays, food etc...she doesn't have anybody else. During the these two years she was supporting her financially by remiting some money every month for medecine, visits to doctors, lab tests, food etc...
Now if it is really urgent that she goes for a visit with her kids could she have problems in applying for PRTD?
Considering she will be with her kids who attend school, would the officer in charge take this into consideration & at least give her the chance to appeal the decision here in Canada & await the result of her HC application? Because after all if she stays there the kids are staying too & that leads to another problem as her ex could claim that she kidnapped the kids.
Do you think we should vonsult a lawyer? At least if god forbid this senario happens a lawyer could start an appeal on her behalf here with my assistance.
Thank you.