Thank You ALL

Became Citizen this morning ....
Few Details
1.My case was approved last week, Received call from Local office (905) number not 1-800...Officer told me they are filing spots as few people informed them that they won't be able to attend oath ceremony.
So please attend calls even from new/unknown numbers...
1. Upon arrival we were greeted by immigration clerk, who asked US to line up at ceremony hall.(They asked guests to go inside and have seat in designated area which was next to Judge podium)
2.Clerk asked US to have out Pr cards and Landing Documents in hand(he checked invite letter at hall door, Since i was called and had no invite letter , he said its fine,checked my name in his list) and let me In.
3.Next i was asked to give PR card to desk clerk who matched Pr information with landing doc, asked me to sign media consent form and then returned landing doc(She kept PR with her & gave Canadian flag Pin)
(Note: Even tho i was asked to bring all passports valid and expired with me along with 2 ID's, no one asked for anything except landing doc and PR)
4.Each marked seat had small booklets (Canadian flag, Oath wordings and O'Canada in Eng/French)
5.Short documentary played for 5 minutes, Clerk informed few points about ceremony, Hon. Judge came, gave US short information about his back ground and Canadian vote/heritage
6.We were asked to Stand and repeat after Judge "The Oath" by raising right hand.
7.Judge then Congratulated US by saying "Welcome to Canadian family,You are now Canadian Citizens"
8.We were called one by one to receive Citizenship certificate from Judge, then signed 2 documents, that we received Oath.
9.We were then given opportunity to take pictures with Judge in front of flags
Around 70 people attended the Oath. Ceremony was simple, and staff was helpful. Judge was very kind as well
I wish everyone Best of Luck ... Just don't lose hope.