fromadistance said:
Have an awesome trip!
CdnandTrini, has hubby submitted his pp yet?
Behopeful, you must be so excited for Friday
I'm a sucker for romantic landing stories so can't wait for all of them!

we all love those stories and I look forward to others as well. So grateful that I will have one to tell in 2013. Hubby has not submitted his PP yet as he was waiting his new one, his old one was going to expire this month and we never thought for a million years, he would get a request until next year. he is running around trying to expedite that, so he can go drop off all the items at the High Commission.
My nickname for my hubby is Pokey, as in slow like molasses.....It takes him much longer to do things than the average bear when it comes to anything resembling paperwork

. He wanted to wait until I got there and I am like NO NO!!! We have to hurry......
Because I planned to be there with him anyway for the month of Nov. and if we want the option for us to fly back together I do not want POS making any mistakes or us getting too close to any deadlines on their end. However knowing my man, I am guessing it will still be something I have to do with him when I arrive. That's ok, he has so many skills and talents that I do not possess so we trade off.
Lastly we still have to decide if he will need a few more weeks after Nov. 30th to get his things in order. House, car, business and the many other things that might have to happen. So I am just trying to stay calm, cool and collected but it is HARD!!! We have been together for over 6 years and he has never even been here so I have to be patient and think, what if the shoe was on the other foot. I think he will just feel better when I am there as a second set of hands. But first we will have a bit of "other business" to tend too!!
