Reply: Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago
KIAB said:
Yayyy good news to end a dry spell, awesome news for you fromadistance.
Question for you guys: how do you know when the file has been transferred to pos?
Hi KIAB and further to Behopeful's response (hi Behopeful

) for me it happened a bit differently. Yes we are "supposed" to receive AOR's from POS within 90 days of the file being transferred. Some people get them others do not, it's always inconsistent.
However when I received my sponsor approval letter it already contained a file number for my hubby so I could log into e-cas for both of us and see sponsor side (me with the UCI number) and applicant side (him with application number that starts with an F).
So I waited about 3.5 months, did not receive anything from POS to confirm they received our app. so I then sent them (by e-mail) a case specific enquiry (CSE) with both of our details. POS responded by e-mail within 48 hours to confirm they did receive our app. but they did not specify a date of receipt. I was just happy to know that it arrived intact.
Now, others on this thread and the forum, when they have received an AOR directly from a visa office abroad, also sometimes get
another file number starting with a B. There are a few of our POS folks I believe that this happened with so hopefully some of them will chime in on this as that is the extent of my knowledge on this one!