Hi Behopeful. Thanks the address is still the same. The package isn't in transit as yet but I'll let you know as soon as it is.Behopeful said:Good evening to all! It's been a while. Just been browsing through messages. It's cold season and our daughter has had ear infections that don't seem to clear up. She has spent lots of time in my arms the last week.
We are still waiting for DM on our file. My husband dropped his PP off to the office in POS September 18 so 2 weeks is approaching. I hope the call to pick it up comes this week. I knew we wouldn't hear anything from POS before now because his exclusion order has just finished.
Louisfam... Huge congrats on the in process. Your PPR should be arriving shortly! Exciting times and so nice to finally see movement. The early 2013's may start hearing good news soon too. Hopefully POS stays on the roll.
Doc lady! PP is coming back soon. Did you address change to a Canadian address on ECAS? Let us know details whe you find out.
FAD... One step closer to the end. Your family is going to be together very soon.
KIAB we thought long and hard about adding additional proof to our file as well. It's hard to know what exactly goes on. Our file was transferred to POS early January and I sent additional proof in late April. The initial review of our file took place in May and you can see the additional documents were added to the file because the IO makes reference to that stuff. I had actually forgot to include beneficiary stuff and we had visited my husband so we submitted those documents. I (personally) would only send additional proof once if you thought it was needed. Don't leave anything to question, where you would say if only or I should have done this... I was really hoping to avoid an interview so this was my reasoning. Otherrwise I would collect everything and have it should they require. I don't think it can hurt your file and only you know the ins and outs of your application.
Welcome to our newest member QueenD! You're in the right spot so ask your questions away. We were all in your place once and know what it feels like to feel overwhelmed with the process. I would suggest focusing in your application and completing it and apply for TRV after. As Cndandtrini said it is unlikely (although not impossible) that your partner will get a VISA and especially since he has had a refusal previously. If things have changed and he can prove greater ties to Trinidad vs. Canada he may very well be one of the lucky ones. Many people on this forum have tried once, if not more, for TRV and have been denied. Keep your head high though and stay positive. Our application was submitted December 2012 and PP was requested nearly 2 weeks ago.
Cndandtrini always nice to see (read) your posts! Can-Vinc enjoyed reading your last post... Thanks for that! +1. Goodnight to everyone else. Take care of yourselves. Blessings!