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Police certificate submission problem


Jan 19, 2016
Hi all~~ I live in Hong Kong. I got my ITA in Dec 2015 and I then was asked to submit my PCC to CIC (since Hong Kong police will only send PCC directly to them). I have applied the PCC but have no idea how to deal with the form required by the system.

The system requires me to enter the document name, document number, country of issue, issue date and expiry date after I click 'Upload' in documents submission page. However it is impossible for me to provide the info.

I have made a CSE already but I have not got any reply about this issue yet.

Could anyone who has tackled similar problem can give me a hand?

Thanks a lot!


Star Member
Jan 8, 2016
Hi, I am also from HK and i just submitted my e-APR. Guess I will encounter the same problem as you soon.

Have you tried to contact the Hong Kong Visa Application Centre (sorry the forum forbids me to post the link here, but you can google it).

They have a hotline +852 35247168 through which you will get instant response. I tried to contact them about this issue, but since I have not yet received CIC's request for the HK PC they cannot process my enquiry. Maybe you can contact them for help.

Please do update me about your progress (I have two questions: 1 which address should the PC mail to and 2 what should I upload in myCIC account) and wish you good luck in the application!


Jan 19, 2016
Nice to hear people from HK.

CIC will instruct applicants to apply PCC and show them the address. So you have no need to worry about the address you are going to send the PCC.

For information to upload, I have just uploaded the information on the receipt of the PCC application, the explanation letter and the photocopy of the receipt.

However, I am still waiting for update from CIC. A bit desperate now...I hope I would share my good news to your later.

p.s. what if we communicate through email also? Please check your email inbox.