Mbgirlfriend said:
It's amazing how similar you and you wife are to me and my bf. We also started chatting on a forum, then fb and skype. That went on for about a year, then I went to England in 2010. We visited back and forth a few times then he came on EIC in May 2013. He got a job and applied to MPNP after having 6 months of full tome work.
Blimey - small, eerily similar world eh? We, too, were on Skype for hours every night (which wasn't ideal, as we'd get most time together at around 10pm-12am GST... and I had to get up at 5:15am for work - 7 days a week!!)
After my gf went back to Canada, we did the visiting back and forth thing - I proposed on a trip she made to London ;D
Long distance is never easy, but it was wonderful - and I'm delighted I've had the past 19 months living and working in Canada (and getting married, obv.

) - just don't want to lose what I've worked for here, and have to move home again. Not to say I wouldn't like to go back to London at some point - just not forced by circumstance.
If only I'd been offered my new job sooner! The initial job with my current employer was a one year term covering someone's mat leave - and I was then offered a promotion to a permanent position at the end of the term.