If your Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF) is outstanding, you must pay this fee before a permanent resident visa can be issued. The RPRF will be refunded if the application is refused, if you withdraw your application or if you choose not to use your visa.
Delaying the payment of the RPRF will delay the issuance of your visas. Pay the RPRF as soon as possible, by following these steps:
Go to the website:
Read the instructions on each page, and click “Continue” to proceed
Select the “Immigration” link, followed by “Right of Permanent Residence Fee”
You must pay this fee once for yourself as principal applicant
You must also pay this fee for your accompanying spouse or common law partner, if you have one
Enter the number of fee payments (1 or 2) in the box beside the fee of $490
Click “Submit”
Proceed to pay your fees by selecting “Pay” and then follow the instructions to pay with a credit card
Once the payment process is complete, the web site will display your official receipt in PDF format.
You must send the receipt to CIO-Sydney. For fastest service, please attach it to an email and submit it via the Case Specific Enquiry form.