CanadaDream2015/16 said:
Quick question... What is The diference vetarem ECAS and My cic?
Hi, I am not a expert to answer this question. But what I understood is both portals provides the details regarding their applications with CIC. Information Available in both portals can be sometimes more or less when compared. It depends on how often then update info or inputs.
On ecas you can only get Immigration and citizenship details. Whereas in my Cic it provides you the details of all your applications with Cic. You cannot create account instead you get info based on your current immigration or citizenship file no or other credentials.
On my Cic you need a uci no and or ongoing applications file no to create a profile. If you never applied for any services with Cic you may not have a uci no.
For example in my case: I came to canada as a student. Then I applied for post graduate work permit. Meanwhile I applied for TRv at some point. Then I checked my eligibility for express entry. And finally applied for PNP.
So when I log in my Cic I can see all of these previous applications, communication email from Cic and current applications.
In another words my Cic is a gov of Canada immigration portal and you can create a personalized profile in order to access info and or to apply for a study / work permit extension, TRv, express entry or to link any other applicatioNs.
I hope this helps at least lil bit.