Hi, I think you are wrong Ayokunlex01.
Regular paper based non express entry application can also be linked to my Cic. I have linked mine.
The process to link your application to my Cic has been clearly mentioned in few older posts in several threads.
I tried to link my application and failed couple times.
Pls follow instructions below:
Login to my cic. If u don't have a profile here create one.
Then select link an existing application
For personal details I select as name and birthday
For language requirement
Select none (select none even if u have done Ielts or celpip)
Test number put 000 (dont put original test no. Always put 000)
For test Date

ut the submission of your application date(do not put original language test date. Always put date of application. If u don't know the date of application exactly log into ecas and it will tell u the dates.)
Place of birth must be mentioned exactly as in your application. For me it was not working on first few tries. I figured it out that I was putting the city name but according to my application I had mentioned city,country.
Ex: real place of birth is Delhi. But According to my application It was Delhi, India. When I entered Delhi, India it was successful. But failed to link whenever I put just Delhi.
Hope this will help