Sorry for long post. Only one time

. Joined new company hence cant browse during office hours during the initial period, so replying now.
Sup17 said:
Thank you bro.... Finally this wait is over... Thank god
Thank you

momodo said:
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Really happy for you.
Thanks buddy

aniarmhi said:
Just got PPR, at about 7:30am Winnipeg time. Woop woop!
Many congratulations to everyone else, especially Hari!
I'll have to make sure I show my best side for the photos today...!
Thank you

Lotus_flower said:
Yes, I have not ordered any gcms notes yet.. I think I should go ahead and order it. Or is it not recommended so it does not elongate your process? ???
June 12 applicant
I would say you should order. I got 2 notes before this ppr. So nothing to worry.
Adii11586 said:
Finally hari... congrats bro
Thanks buddy.
mm88 said:
Congratulations hariraj !!! Finally haha good luck with the rest of the process ;D
Thanks M&M for staying with me till i get PPR.
rasan0201 said:
Hi mohan wish u all the best time to party
I haven't received the golden mail but it will come
Congratulations again .
Thanks buddy

. Possibly it might come tomorrow.
MANITOBA1234 said:
wow....!!!Thank you so much for your contribution to this thread..!!You were one of the folks kept me strong when hope was fading away.Hope you will like Sask.good
luck with everything.Once again thank you for our active participation.
Thank you

raman13s said:
Congrats Hari and everyone, you made it! 8)
Thank you

chuni68 said:
Thank you

htokyo said:
What a wonderful news! Congrats Hari!
Thanks buddy.
PMC89 said:
Wow Wow amazing Mohan! Finally, the time has come. You have had a long journey my friend and you totally deserve it. Now enjoy your new found freedom.
Thank you

PMC89 said:
Hariraj, all this time I thought you were inland, never knew that you are outland
Thanks for considering me as one of the inlanders.
AMR.UPL said:
Hi Guys, Congratulations to those who got the Magical Email today….
I Need serious help..
My Time Line...
BC pnp applicant
May 14th applicant
Got Married Jan 10th
Spouse Information Updated Via Case specific enquirey on Jan 14th
Spouse Upfront Medical Jan 30th
Additional Doc of spouse on Feb 10th email from
Send it via paper as they told 20th feb
Reply from same email about spouse rprf fee update on march 19th
Again additional doc request with some Spouse and my relationship question answer on April 13th. From
Submitted after a week online this time as they mention to do.
Since then no reply from them. I Have no clue what to do next. Should I send a reminder email to them or should I wait?
Please Suggest Something.
Thanxx In advance.
Thank you

. Adding spouse during the process will create delay (it happens for some and not for all). So you would need to expect delay which you cannot compare with
regular applicants situations. But its coming and with slight delay. Not a bad deal. Dont worry. Hang on for some more time.
No point in asking them on it. Order gcms to see if your elig, crim and medicals are passed.
PMC89 said:
June applicants, it's our time now. Let us pray to the Gods in heaven to shower their blessings on us. PPR BRING IT ON, WE ARE READY!!!!
It hits tomorrow. Good luck June.
summerleaf said:
Dear All,
I received PPR this morning.
May 25th applicant.
MER Dec 23.
Wish you all receive PPR soon.
Congrats buddy.
aniarmhi said:
I've been to the photographer, and the post office, and my passport photocopies are made - so everything is now on its way to Ottawa!
Just got an email to check my MyCIC - and the background check is now In Process.
After all this damned waiting, I'm still surprised this is actually happening(!)
I know. After waiting for years it feels like the same day like yesterday. ???
Sanjeet03 said:
Congrts hari, very happy for you, welcome to SK asps
Thank you

Adii11586 said:
Background check change from not needed this time to IN Process
Cool. Good luck for ppr tomorrow morning. Start checking your email from 7:30am EST.
Cansen said:
Thank you

milo2015 said:
did you get email when your status changed in "mycic" from not required to "in progress"?
No email. Mycic.
zx86496790 said:
lol he is lucky, no idea how long it will take to hit July ones
Till july buddy. Hang on for some more time.
princeshumon said:
Congrats Harirajmohan
Thank you

princeshumon said:
Hi I am May 4th 2015 Single Inland applicant still waiting for my PPR. I am wondering how many May 2015 applicants are still waiting. Please share your case as I am
getting worried. I hope I am not the only May applicant waiting for PPR. Thanks.
Order the notes and see if elig, crim and medical are passed.
JimmyMcgill said:
:-[ :-[ :-[
I did not receive "magical email" instead of They required me for second time my husband schedule A, according them there is a sign missing...
I need a bottle of wine...
Do you believe this fact delay my answer????
It all depends on the visa officer and the Mexico visa office timeline. Good luck.
If you sent the form without signing we should expect some delay, for which we dont have choice for missed doc.
dipica said:
Can anyone help me on the following issue?
I filled my PR application on May 18, 2016 as being nominated by SINP, without Police clearance of my husband from FBI as it takes 15 weeks to get.
Any idea what time, any roughly time frame, I will get additional doc request email ?
Follow this thread for timeline for FBI pcc. The timeline is 3-4 months - the one mentioned in the site is correct. Add 2 weeks for receiving report.
baronhou said:
Congratulations Harirajmohan! It answers all your desires and desperates! I didn't know your route to Canada is that complex until today. Anyway, all hard time we have
experienced counts. BTW, my BG check status also updated to 'in progress'. I hope I will get the golden email 24 hours later than you......finger crossed~~~
I made it hard by not applying for fsw long ago and now waited for same chance of entry hence wasted years and finally hunt for entry when all doors were closing.

Thank you.

Its coming tomorrow. Good luck.
lifeonedge said:
Congrats to all who received PPR. Finally, enjoy the relief and freedom. And once the new bill passes, for current inlanders apply for citizenship in 2yrs and for
outlanders apply in 3yrs. Best wishes to all of you. Welcome to Canada.
Thanks Life.