Need Canadian Pr said:
my GCMS note:
Application: 1
Field name: Eligibility
Acton: Updated
Old value: not started
New value: In progress
Updated date: 2015/06
Activity 1
Sub-activity/Activity type: Eligibility EC-QC/PNP
Field name: status
New Value: Review required
Updated date: 2015/06
Updated by: Lj1098
Office CIO
Created date: 2015/06/17
Created by: Lj1098
Updated date: 2015/06/17
Updated by: Lj1098
Restricted: NO
Level: Eligibility
Office: CIO
APPLICATION: EPXXXXXXXX APPLICATION: PNP I have reviewed this application based upon the documents submitted by the applicant and the information contained in the file and note the following. FOSS/GCMS check: - PA: No Adverse info. Principal applicant currently holds valid status in Canada. Status until: 2015/11/26. - Spouse/CL: No adverse info. Spouse/Common Law does not hold valid status in Canada. RPRF: paid. CIVIL STATUS: PA married – SPOUSE is accompany – Marriage certificate is on file- PA copy of passport on file: Yes. – PA completed schedule A: On file. – Spouse/CL copy of passport on file: Yes. – Spouse/CL completed schedule A: on file. WORK EXPERIENCE: - Providence of Nomination: Saskatchewan. – Province matches current residence: Yes. – Nomination validity: Original. – Case type: Economic Case. Schedule 4 on file: Yes. MEDICAL: Valid results in GCMS for ALL APPLICANTS PA: - Current medical status: Passed. Valid until: - 2016/03/10. Spouse/Common Law: Current medical status: Passed. Valid until 2016/03/14. CRIMINALITY: PA RCMP Screening: No Reportable trace. – Police certificate: Bangladesh: No reportable trace. Police reports/Court records: On file. Spouse/Common Law: - Police certificate: Bangladesh: No reportable trace. Police reports/Court records: On file. Criminality decision taken. ADDITIONAL NOTES: - AUTH PAID REP ON FILE – EDWARD RYAN REFERRED TO PS FOR REVIEW
Hi friends I have some personal question from GCMS note: Please answer for me:
1. My wife previously refused two times open work permit from back home, is Case officer concern about her refusal
2. My wife refusal can effect our PR application
3. From the notes what is case officer impression about our file
4. Which stage my file is now, begging or middle or last
5. On the top the notes said Level: Eligibility what does it mean
6. Activity 1 said review required and Sub-activity/Activity type: Eligibility EC-QC/PNP so what does it mean of course I got SINP nomination that's why I applied
7. At the end the note said: AUTH PAID REP ON FILE – EDWARD RYAN REFERRED TO PS FOR REVIEW what does it mean
8. Should I become worry any parts of the GCMS not
Hi there,
From my knowledge, this is what I think:
1 & 2: Maybe, it depends on why they refused your wife's application. Maybe at those times they refuse because they saw that your wife didn't have a strong tie with her home country. If that a case, I don't think it will effect your application. You are PA, not your wife.
3: Sorry but I don't get your question.
4: Please check the few first part of your note, look for "App Status" and "App Status Reason" or the "History" session, it will show the current status of your application. Look for the Updated date also, it will let you know when was the last time they updated your application information.
5: I don't know what it means but you can ignore it. You can focus on the Assessments session where you can find all of their check, should focus on Security, Criminality and Medical.
6: As I understand, they reviewed your application.
7: It's new to me, maybe it relevant to number 6 as above.
8: You should look at the Outgoing/incoming to make sure that you received and response to all of their requests. Outgoing means requests come to your. Incoming means data/information received from you. You can look at the notes session also to see what's their notes in your file between their departments. And of course, take a look at the Assessments Session.