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pnp nominated, PR in process, now Laid off


Full Member
Mar 4, 2009
im a 35 yr old Irish bloke
i have been working in canada for a few years already,
for a couple of small companies, on different temporary workpermits
and have started the PR process. based on the most recent one

i have been successfully BC PNP nominated,
and have started my PR application based on that.
a couple months ago
and my current workpermit was based on the PNP nomination

but with the current economy and all
i have now been laid off from my current employer

Does this by it self invalidate my nomination and
therefore PR application ??

what about my workpermit (locked to employer)

can i apply to change my workpermit to a different company
while my pnp based PR application is in process? or will that invalidate the whole thing?

can i apply to get pnp nominated again, and submit that with the existing PR application.

can i apply for EI? cant really be looking for work with a "locked" work permit
and don't want to "tip" them off in case any of the above are true?

am i misrepresenting by "keeping quiet" and hope they finish my PR before
i run out of money for food??

should i Leave canada, and forget about it!
im pretty tired of dealing with paperwork by now!

lots of questions i know. pretty depressing situation
so any help is appreciated.

in other words, am i out of luck, am i fine if i "do nothing"
or even better can i get a new workpermit somehow

what should i do




VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
I can not speak for the BC PNP program, I know in AB, if they figured you were laid off permanently, they'd cancel your application. Temporary, they'd probably let it slide.

The only way you can get your work permit changed is if you find a new employer, get a new LMO and apply for a new work permit. That will probably cancel your PNP application and you would need to apply again.

As a temporary worker with a work permit tied to one employer, you do not qualify for EI.


Full Member
Mar 4, 2009
thanks BCguy
was hoping you might see the thread, seems you have helped lots of others.

I'm as soo many others just a victim of this worldwide economic panic.
now being laid off is hard enough.
but having my workpermit, and PR application Canceled now due to it
would be a bad kick in the guts, for a guy already down for the count..



VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
Your work permit will not be cancelled. You can stay in Canada until your work permit expires and wait to see if you are called back to work or if you can get a new job and new work permit but of course it's hard to stay when you are not making any money.


Full Member
Mar 4, 2009
okay thanks Leon.

but my biggest worry, is the PNP nomination that is based on my "job offer" and so forth
since it appears now that im not "needed" anymore does it kill the nomination
and the PR application based on it ?

i recon i have 6 months left on the PR process BEST case scenario.
so yea its a bit long to go on "bread and water"

i understand from your post that i may be able to apply for a "change in conditions"
to another employer? without it messing up the PNP or PR ??

Oct 20, 2008
Sorry that you have to go through this situation. It's actually quite unfair.

I had contact BC PNP a few months ago for a similar situation. If you tell BC PNP office you were laid off, they will withdraw your nomination and then your PR application will be canceled as well. If you tell BC PNP that it is temporary, they will ask you to provide a letter from your employer confirming that they will hire you back for sure in a period less than 4 months.

Unless your employer contacts the BC PNP directly, BC PNP will (most probably) not find out about your situation. So you can let it slide for a while until you get hired back. Unfortunately, there are not many options out there for this situation.


Full Member
Mar 4, 2009
yea thats pretty much the jist of it.

will immigration call my employer to confirm the employment during processing
when the PR is based in a confirmed PNP?
i could probably have by boss be less than complete honest need be.?

im affraid im seeing this thing hitting the fan.
too bad . just starting to like it up here



Full Member
Mar 22, 2009

try this:

talk to your last employer and tell them if they can let you be on a vacation leave instead of permanent

hope this might help



Full Member
Mar 4, 2009
lets say i go find another job, apply for a new PNP nomination.
once i get that. can i then submit it with my current Permanent residency application
and have them base the PR on the new PNP certificate.

or will changing my workpermit, to the new company
And / or applying for a new PNP certificate mess it up right off the bat?

it is looking like 50% that i may be back working later this spring / summer.
but if not. then i could have been getting a new job starting "soon" and would then
have wasted even more time.

considering that my stuff is already in the "grayzone" i'm considering just giving up and starting over.


Full Member
Mar 22, 2009
your case is the same as my korean friend
in the middle of his PR processing, he got lay-off too just this february 2009
he then talked to his employer and requesting to just let him have his vacation indefinitely instead of terminating him
his employer agreed
and last week he got his confirmation of permanent resident
lucky guy!!!


Full Member
Mar 4, 2009
yea .lucky

how long is the current "realistic" processing time for a PNP nominated
permanent residency?

any ideas?


Full Member
Mar 4, 2009
13 months??

is that from you sent your PR application
or from when you started the PNP process??

how long for just the PR part of it?


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
Alberta PNP says it can take 6-15 months to get PR through them from start to finish. Why the big difference, I don't know.