bajji kang
oh damm...it too tiring....so they gona make there applicant partial naked...with only inner wear....strange....hey mannu....there is diffect in my fingure joint....its not working..and i have been treated it from last few months...so its gona b any kinf obstacle??...i hope it wont effect....time is jst not on my side...one after and other thng taking toll on my life....manubobby said:oh man .. dont ask.. mine started at about 9 in the morning and finished at 3.30.. I am sure its not gonna be that long for you coz there are more than one DMP in Punjab right?? In kerala we just have one hospital with DMP for whole of Kerala.. so the waiting was long and frustrating.. they told me to come to the hospital at 9. I reached there at 9 and got a token.. I wasnt called until 11 coz there were so many people.. and once called in I had to show my passport and the letter from NDVO requesting us to do medicals... then she asked me for photographs and also asked me to complete a lot of forms .. then took my blood and urine and asked me to wait outside.. after about half hour .. they called me back inside .. they asked me to read some alphabets at a distance to check my eye sight.. then the doctor called me inside and asked me to fill out more paperwork which asked a lot of questions about having previous medical conditions and stuff and he asks questions related to that if you have any conditions.. i dint have any.. then I had to strip down to underwear for him to do a complete body check.. he checked all the joints and the rest of the body .. I have a tattoo .. n he was pretty shocked to see that .. he was asking me what it was.. n i was like its a tattoo .. n he asked me where I got it from .. I said I got it from Australia .. so he was pretty cool with it .. and after that .. I was asked to give blood again for additional test.. apparently they had forgotten to do tests for jaundice .. I did that as well.. after that .. I was sent down get my xray done.. by then it was about 1 PM.. so i go down to get the xray done .. and I think it shouldnt take too long .. but when I reached I had to take another token there as well.. the token number I got was 105 and at 1PM the number they were calling was only 75.. I was like .. WTF.. then they said .. if u havent had lunch .. you could go for it .. so i went .. had lunch and when i got back it was about 90 somethin .. n I waited there for a while .. and finally they called me .. took my xray.. and since this was the DMP for Australia and Canada .. that was the reason for such a long delay.. anyways .. people who were applying to Canada had to wait till the DMP actually checked our XRAY and make sure things are ok and only then we could leave... so I waited .. the DMP said that the first xray taken was not clear.. so I had to take it again.. and after waiting for another 15 minutes.. the nurse comes out n says.. the DMP said everything is good and I could leave.. (thank god).. so at about 3.30 I was free.. n i was waiting for like forever to have a smoke .. that was definitely the longest six hours so far.... anyways I hope you wouldnt have to wait this long at DMPs in Punjab.. but please do share your experience.. cheers