Hi Guys, Are you feeling tired to fill the on-line services form every time for to check e-cas status? then here is the vbscript to fill the form without enter the personal information each time. I hope everybody like this script

Just copy the below script to notepad and enter your "UCINumber" "LAST NAME" "YYYY-MM-DD" (date of Birth)
save the file with extension (.vbs)
---start from below---
On Error Resume Next
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Call objIE.Navigate("https://services3.cic.gc.ca/ecas/authenticate.do?app=")
objIE.Visible = True
Do Until objIE.ReadyState = PAGE_LOADED : Call WScript.Sleep(100) : Loop
objIE.Document.all.idTypeLabel.Value = "1"
objIE.Document.all.idNumberLabel.Value = "UCINumber"
objIE.Document.all.surnameLabel.Value = "LAST NAME"
objIE.Document.all.dobDate.Value = "YYYY-MM-DD"
objIE.Document.all.cobLabel.Value = "205"
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
msgbox "Error: " & err.Description
End If
Set objIE = Nothing