Everything about your case is a red flag for the IRCC officer.I obtained a visa for visit with my whole family
We both met through friends and soon after 10 months or so decided to get married he’s from haryana I’m from gujrat my age was just 18 when I got married he’s hindu I’m Christian
From first and many glances, and reviews, this seems to be a marriage of convenience to obtain PR for Canada. Now, we could be wrong, and it would be a genuine one, but you have a loooootttt of points to prove in your favour.
1. You were 18 when you met a student in Canada, an age that is not considered to be highly mature.
2. You probably just passed 12th, and on a family visit to Canada, decided to meet prospects and gave about 10 months and decided to get married.
3. Inter-religion, and not both set of parents at wedding, nor a full size wedding (possibly court marriage?)
4. As newlyweds, or as married, you both spent a longer than usual time away from each other.
Provide all the documents as requested and see what happens. You’ll need a lot of convincing and proofs to show you both were madly interested in each other to come to conclusion to get married at a very young age of 18, possibly just highschool passed. And you’ll have to show the years you weren’t together, how you both stayed in touch and kept your relationship alive. Did he support you financially, or gave you gifts? Show them.
Did you live with your in-laws in their home during the waiting or staying away from your spouse for so many years? Prove it