Dear all, ;D ;D ;D
My name is Mai. I am vietnam citizen. Please help me how can I get a visitor visa to Canada.
- Age : 22
- Background : I have been studied in university in Singapore for 3.5 years.
- Work : I am working for my family business. My contract until 2015 and my pay is 1.500 per month.
- Bank statement : Around 30.000 USD.
- Purpose of visiting : I have boyfriend in Canada and we will celebrate our an enagement ceremony in Quebec for 2 week as describe in the invitation letter. Moreover, he wanted me to see his relatives and friends in Canada. My boyfriend is Vietnamese and he is currently a permenent residence in Canada.
- I will print our picture and some emails, skype chat, and facebook, etc...
- My university certificate
- I don't holding any land but I will show the strong ties that I have go back Viet Nam cause my family issues :
+ I am living with my grandparent and my father. Our family is running two bussiness but my mother was passed away 2 years ago. So I have to help my father operating a sales department and my grandparent to do the other business. Both of my grandparent is very old ( around 60 plus).
+ My younger brother is currently study university in VietNam, but he will moving to Australia to study in final year. So that, my family only left me to handle everything.
- And I will submit all our business registeration and 3 month tax.
- My mom death certificate
Please let me know that what is lacking of and is it possible for me to get a tourist visa to Canada.
Best regards,

My name is Mai. I am vietnam citizen. Please help me how can I get a visitor visa to Canada.
- Age : 22
- Background : I have been studied in university in Singapore for 3.5 years.
- Work : I am working for my family business. My contract until 2015 and my pay is 1.500 per month.
- Bank statement : Around 30.000 USD.
- Purpose of visiting : I have boyfriend in Canada and we will celebrate our an enagement ceremony in Quebec for 2 week as describe in the invitation letter. Moreover, he wanted me to see his relatives and friends in Canada. My boyfriend is Vietnamese and he is currently a permenent residence in Canada.
- I will print our picture and some emails, skype chat, and facebook, etc...
- My university certificate
- I don't holding any land but I will show the strong ties that I have go back Viet Nam cause my family issues :
+ I am living with my grandparent and my father. Our family is running two bussiness but my mother was passed away 2 years ago. So I have to help my father operating a sales department and my grandparent to do the other business. Both of my grandparent is very old ( around 60 plus).
+ My younger brother is currently study university in VietNam, but he will moving to Australia to study in final year. So that, my family only left me to handle everything.
- And I will submit all our business registeration and 3 month tax.
- My mom death certificate
Please let me know that what is lacking of and is it possible for me to get a tourist visa to Canada.
Best regards,