Hi there all!
I have many concerns after coming to this forum as I sent the application in December using only the resources of a local multicultural society aiding us in the application process.
They actually told my husband and I that our 'marriage would speak for itself'. REALLY. I didn't listen to that and sent at least 10 pages of pictures and letters from friends and family anyways.
However, now I'm worried that we didn't send enough proof. D:
If anyone could please take the time to share their knowledge with me, I'd be forever grateful!
Background information: My husband is a Hong Kong citizen, we met 4 years ago and were married last January. We have lived together for 3 years and he obtained his degree here.
The received our application in December 2013.
My concerns are;
-Would you say we have enough proof?
1. Letter form the owner of the house we live in (Rent-free)
2. Letters from friends and family
3. Telephone records and a bill (I pay for his phone)
4. About 10 pages of photographs taken over the span of our relationship
-What are these GMS notes and when should I start requesting them?
-We are still young (23 and 27), so we do not own anything together and I am still in school. I'm concerned that they will think I am not 'responsible' enough to take on this type of thing. Has anyone heard of this type of discrimination?
-And last thing! (SORRY)... has anyone sponsored someone from Hong Kong? (A man from HK??!!)
So sorry for all the gibberish. I am very nervous about this whole process and just wanted to see what people thought! I am so sick to my stomach worried that something will go wrong (As I am very sure I am pregnant) and he will be rejected.
I have many concerns after coming to this forum as I sent the application in December using only the resources of a local multicultural society aiding us in the application process.
They actually told my husband and I that our 'marriage would speak for itself'. REALLY. I didn't listen to that and sent at least 10 pages of pictures and letters from friends and family anyways.
However, now I'm worried that we didn't send enough proof. D:
If anyone could please take the time to share their knowledge with me, I'd be forever grateful!
Background information: My husband is a Hong Kong citizen, we met 4 years ago and were married last January. We have lived together for 3 years and he obtained his degree here.
The received our application in December 2013.
My concerns are;
-Would you say we have enough proof?
1. Letter form the owner of the house we live in (Rent-free)
2. Letters from friends and family
3. Telephone records and a bill (I pay for his phone)
4. About 10 pages of photographs taken over the span of our relationship
-What are these GMS notes and when should I start requesting them?
-We are still young (23 and 27), so we do not own anything together and I am still in school. I'm concerned that they will think I am not 'responsible' enough to take on this type of thing. Has anyone heard of this type of discrimination?
-And last thing! (SORRY)... has anyone sponsored someone from Hong Kong? (A man from HK??!!)
So sorry for all the gibberish. I am very nervous about this whole process and just wanted to see what people thought! I am so sick to my stomach worried that something will go wrong (As I am very sure I am pregnant) and he will be rejected.