I just realized that I may have made a mistake by continuing work even after my OCWP expired. I did a post grad program for 8 months and it also required a 7week work placement at the end which I did. After the work placement the company decided to keep me on contract till the end of the year(ie July- December). I decided not to apply for PGWP and instead renew my study permit and get an advanced 2years diploma course where my credits would be transferred and I would then be able to apply for a PGWP and be eligible to get 3 years on it. My OCWP expired along with old study permit July 30 2013 nd I renewed the study permit till 2015 but in error didn't renew my OCWP
now my new program ends in April 2014 and I started in January 2014 then I can apply for PGWP but I am afraid. Will CIC discover that I worked from July -December on an expired OCWP?? Will this affect my application? If I am asked for employment record in the application is it safe to only put the placement duration and leave out the continued work with the company after that??? Please help me I need advice. I also decided not to file taxes yet so far.