#MakeJesusFamous is trending #1 worldwide today.
RT @kenneyjason Christos Annesti! He is risen! http://t.co/26mLo7aK / Joyeuse Pâque: http://t.co/miBV2mnF
even the honorable Jason Kenney is also a Christian.
The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, and The Honourable John Baird, Minister of Foreign Affairs, issued the following statement marking the celebration of Easter:
As Easter approaches once again, we would like to give our best wishes to all Canadians who celebrate the Christian Passover.
For Christians, Easter, also known as Pascha, is one of the most important holy days of the year. Following on the penitential season of preparation known as Lent, it celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, giving Christians the hope of Salvation. Easter is a time of great hope in the triumph of life over death.
As Canadians celebrate this Easter, we are most fortunate to live in a land where we need not fear the open celebration of our faith. Our thoughts and prayers are with those Christians not so fortunate. Because of our culture of freedom and diversity, Canada is uniquely placed to protect and promote religious freedom around the world, and with our new Office of Religious Freedom, this will be even more of a priority. We come from different backgrounds, but we all share a common humanity.
This Easter is also an opportunity for us all to reflect on the tremendous contributions that Christians have made to Canada’s rich and diverse heritage over the centuries.
On behalf of the Government of Canada, we extend our deepest wishes for a happy Eastertide to all Canadians.
Let's hope for the best..
being a missionary is also a good idea..