@dawn_canada I have been around this forum from 2017 when my parents felt ready to apply for PR. It just so happened that they switched to the lousy lottery system.
Remember that the interest to sponsor can be submitted by anyone with an email address. It could be non Canadians and PRs as well. We found so many asking silly questions that showed they do not qualify or meet requirements and wasted spots.
Hence it was very frustrating for people like myself.
We had many discussion.
@Rob_TO was one of the more objective people and I have missed him/her.
But yeah discussed many times. Lots of suggestions. I even suggested having an open bidding system where people can bid for a spot in PGP. Top 10,000 will pay the 10,000th ranked bid. So say of the top 10,000 you rank them from highest bid to 10,000th. Say the top bid is $1 million. And the 10,000th is $550 then all 10,000 will pay $550 each for the right to sponsor.
But if 10,000th bid is $10,000 then all pay $10,000. It is just a way to ensure people bid what they are really willing to pay. But if really 10,000 are willing to pay $5000 and above then the price goes up. It is great way for Canada to make some money as well. It wont cover the cost of the healthcare of course but helps with running costs.
I basically am following the Certificate of Entitlement (COE) system in Singapore. This is how Singapore determines who can purchase a car. It is a way to allocate high in demand very limited spots to people.