The rural community wants to see that you and your family will STAY in the community and not just use it , as some have to move once they get PR.The rural renewal stream might be more difficult than it appears. Plus, you will have to live in rural AB during processing which may not be the least expensive option. My work requires engaging with several rural municipalities and their first preference is always hiring someone from within the community. These are very small and strong knit communities so the opportunities might be more limited than it appears and may even require specialty skills.
If I were you, I would explore AIP. There's already a list of designated employers posted for each of Atlantic provinces.
If you already live in a rural community that’s a plus . If you’re going from a large metropolitan area to a small town if 5,000 that’s a negative.
It’s night & day . I moved from a small town of 1200 in Alberta to Toronto . Do not underestimate the difference. It’s a totally different way of life.
Rural communities want to see that you’ve embraced the rural community. Do your homework that you KNOW the area .
Example . I live in Toronto , which many in Alberta dislike . However since j was born & raised in Alberta , I get a pass . It’s weird but that’s the way it goes