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People is this REALLY what we want??????

mrs B

Star Member
Dec 5, 2009
I have just finished reading the news piece from Canadian man's wife not allowed back in Canada, and now I am thinking as both me and my Husband have been many times these last months, Is this REALLY what we want , Is Canada realy that great, there are many horiffic stories on here, and the more we read the less we want to be here, I have been here 25 years from the Netherlands and I'm sponsering my husband inland also from the Netherlands, but now were looking at all your stories and we say IS THIS TRULY WHAT WE WANT, are we are realy that bad off in our home country's , do all of us really deserve to get treated this way, We are getting split up, our lives are on hold, until some government decides to give us a few minutes, and then we might be alowed to stay or not, for those whom can stay we will stil never be accepted, so are we all being honest or are we all blind???????
My Q is WHY DO WE REALLY WNAT TO BE IN CANADA....................................


Full Member
Oct 2, 2010
I am going for my kids so they have the same opportunities that I had growing up.. down here they don't have the same opportunities and i don't want to limit them if they have that right.

also obviously we would be going as a family unit.


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March 29th, 2011
mrs B said:
I have just finished reading the news piece from Canadian man's wife not allowed back in Canada, and now I am thinking as both me and my Husband have been many times these last months, Is this REALLY what we want , Is Canada realy that great, there are many horiffic stories on here, and the more we read the less we want to be here, I have been here 25 years from the Netherlands and I'm sponsering my husband inland also from the Netherlands, but now were looking at all your stories and we say IS THIS TRULY WHAT WE WANT, are we are realy that bad off in our home country's , do all of us really deserve to get treated this way, We are getting split up, our lives are on hold, until some government decides to give us a few minutes, and then we might be alowed to stay or not, for those whom can stay we will stil never be accepted, so are we all being honest or are we all blind???????
My Q is WHY DO WE REALLY WNAT TO BE IN CANADA....................................
Ill prob get negative karma for posting this as it seems everything however positive i try to be people still give me neg karma but oh well!. idc!!..

well what iwas gonna say is.... the canadian immigration is really really cruel to inlanders. . The wife had to make funeral arrangements for a close relative. that was really mean and nasty!. But then again we dont know the whole story. i know of a few couples who did the same thing and applied for a visa when their inland appl was in process and they got a single entry visa into the country. . its really confusing!.
All in all i agree canada is not heaven. i left "heaven" before coming here hahaha. well not xactly but i lived on a beautiful island. with a minimum wage of 21 dollars an hr thats tax free . Sometimes something small makes me wanna go back as ive lost a years wage being here . We left in November last year!. I will also most probably be accepting a much lesser pay just to be here!. Sometimes i feel like saying F*** this!. am going back!!..It aint worth it!. but am here for my kids. Its affordable. its the world "out there" We didnt want our kids growing up on a small island not knowing how the real world is. . it is for my children. When i tell people where where i moved from majority of the people say "why the h** would you leave paradise to come to canada?"

The right of no appeal i think especially is really cruel. For one you have spent time building a life here. then all over sudden you are made to leave everything here to go back where?. to what?. then the re-entry thing. But then again even before you apply inland, you have the option of applying outland which is more lenient.
i bame it on all those people/scammers/con artists that have abused the canadian system and made it hard for us honest folk who genuinely wanna be together...


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Mrs B

Firstly - It is a shame that the only stories that are news worthy are the bad ones. The majority of the stories have happy endings.
Secondly - It doesn't matter which country you are in the government is very bureaucratic. Unfortunately, that will include the Netherlands. Do your research about your own country and I am sure you'll find similar horror stories.
Thirdly - I visited the Netherlands and other countries in Europe, and even lived in the UK (where I was actually born but was raised in Canada) for 4.5 years and I thought that they were all pretty cool countries. So I am very surprised that you thought the Netherlands was bad in the first place. So I guess the question to you is why did you come to Canada in the first place?

I grew up in Canada and I loved it. I don't let bureaucracy get in the way of my happiness. And as a matter of fact, I thought the UK's government was much more bureaucratic than Canada. My British hubby and I had the choice to either stay living and working in the UK or move to Canada. So why did we chose to move to Canada? Well, here's a few reasons (putting family aside). The cost of living and wages in the UK just don't compute. My hubby and I had no disposable income and would have never been able to buy a house in the UK and if we did we would probably have a 50 year mortgage on a two bedroom ex-council house. As much as I loved the social life in the UK I did find it overcrowded. And no I didn't live in London. And this of course reflects in the cost of living. I don't think anyone would dispute that the quality of life in general is better in Canada. I am not trying to dis the UK as my time there was awesome and I will forever be visiting my family and friends over there, I just find getting ahead in Canada a lot easier.

So I guess the question that you have to ask yourself is "why did you come to Canada in the first place and why do you want to live here with your husband rather than in your home country?" If none of your answers justify why, then this whole immigration process is probably a waste of time for the two of you.

For myself, I personally think Canada is one of the best countries to live in and I absolutely love it. There is no other country that I would rather my future kids (if it happens) to be raised in. But of course I am bias as I am a very proud Canadian.

Anyways, that's my two cents. And for what it's worth, I wouldn't take those horror stories to heart. As my journalist friend always told me, we will do whatever we have to do to make a story interesting, even if we have to exaggerate the truth or omit some details. In other words, there may be more to that story that what has been published. And Canada herself including her people did not have anything to do with what happened. I don't hate Americans because I was against the Iraq war for crying out loud! It was their government's decision which is not representative of their people.


For me, the short answer is yes.

I don't know if it's different for you since you were not born in Canada, and you come from the Netherlands which is a western place with a high standard of living so I could imagine that you could take or leave Canada.

When I first came to the UK to be with my partner whose work Visa for Canada expired, I was excited at the idea of living in another country. Now I've completely had enough and frequently find myself depressed and longing for home. I hate Council Tax, Expensive Public Transport, Gas/Electricity Bills, paying too much Tax and National Insurance, and struggling month after month financially. I had a great life in Canada, lots of friends, and enough money to support three people if I wanted to. Electricity was only $12.50 per month and oh how I long for the days of free heat and hot water. For me, finances are one of the most stressful parts of living outside of Canada.

The second most stressful for me is the culture differences. You wouldn't think there was anything significant, but for me there are. I find it so difficult to find common ground with people here, and generally find them much more reserved and difficult to talk to. I made friends so much more easily in Canada. People can be a lot more moany and negative here too in my experience. Whereas in Canada, I generally woke up feeling enthusiastic and ready to go, here I just feel as drab as the weather. In regular situations with my friends or in social places, I feel confident in being myself. In formal situations, I can be quite shy and somewhat easily 'stepped on' by others that I don't know personally (like work colleagues). In Canada, it was nothing to worry about because everyone was generally polite and after a short while I'd creep out of my shell and be a little more "myself" and confident when I got confident with the new formal situation, whereas people here are... I hesitate to say rude... but maybe "more direct" is a better description? Sometimes I feel a little too direct. So direct that it takes me much, much longer to get used to a new formal situation (not good as a temp who doesn't have time to absorb and fit in!)

Don't get me wrong there are LOADS of things I think England does much better than Canada - for example subsidized dentistry and Guinness and Beef Pies! Oh I can't forget Cream Teas :) But for me England is just not an option. It has become clear that I do not belong in this country and as I approach the two-year mark of living here, I am getting itchier and itchier to leave.

So, in answer to your question, yes. This is REALLY what I/we want.

My partner, who is English, agrees with me on most things. Whereas he can sort of 'get on with it' because he is used to it, he can totally see where I'm coming from having lived and worked with me in Victoria and seen the difference. We're both pretty set on setting up a life in Canada. If it means jumping through hoops, I guess we'll say, "How high?"

Sorry about the rant. It's Thanksgiving and I'm thankful for being able to be with my partner when I know loads of couples have to be apart. We just got back from The Maple Leaf pub in London for Thanksgiving Dinner. It was enjoyable and I really liked talking to other Canadians but it just made me miss home even more - the turkey was like round circles of sandwich meat!


My great grand mum came from a very wealty family in England. She fell inlove with a young poor soldier whom her parents didnt agree for her to marry. They told her that if she married him they would disown her and she would not have any financial help from her parents. They told her they they didnt want a chambermaid for a daughter so she was disowned. She married my great grandfather, was indeed a chambermaid and they had kids. They struggled for a long time and wanted better for their children, so they made the decision to come to Canada. My grandmum was only 4 when she arrived on Canadian shores. They had barely any money and if not for the kindness of the local people they wouldnt have been able to survive the first winter here. My point in telling this story it this. Everyone wants a better life, and the struggle that it takes to get that better life can be extremely difficult. Love can take you to a place you never thought it would take you. The will to be together is stronger than the obsticle keeping you apart. Many live in corrupt societes, every country has its problems and drawbacks and even though Canada is not perfect but we are still heads and tails above other countries (my opinion)Yes my husband and I have struggled and been through hell to be together, and even though I love India, Canada is by far the best place to raise my kids. So dispite the horror stories and the struggles that many of us have had to go through to be together in this country, we are still the best country in the world. There is no perfect country, only a country perfect for me and my family, and thats Canada.


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Jul 21, 2010
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Hey blackberry i gave u good karma which island were you living in? I love islands im in love w the south pacific i tried to convince my wife to go and live there but i didnt suceed. In the last 8 yrs i lived in another island,a cold one, in tierra del fuego argentina where i ran a hostel beautiful landscape and very good money,no taxes there special economic zone. With the money made there i wad able to buy a car and a house cash here in canada but i cannot work ahah my wige and kid are canadian i loved this country until the immigration process we ll see what happens....the south seas are calling me...wanted to rent beach huts....signed an italian adventurer...now im in a 1400 people village and would like to open a business


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Dec 1, 2009
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Wow Boyee your story is so inspiring.

For myself as well, Canada is the only home I've known and I really want to raise my children in this country as well. I love the people, what it stands for globally and all of the faces, colours and backgrounds that make up Canada.
Although my parents immigrated here when they were teenagers, we all have come to love this country.
I would honestly not mind living anywhere with my husband (if worse case scenario his PR did not work out) but truth be told, where he comes from, it's not that safe anymore, with bombings, and government corruption on the rise there. We probably would try again just for the sake of our future children.

I love this country and I am a very proud Canadian. I don't think I could live anywhere else if given the choice to. Visiting and vacationing would be great but for living I would stay right here.


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November 29th, 2010
March 29th, 2011
Inlandappl said:
Hey blackberry i gave u good karma which island were you living in? I love islands im in love w the south pacific i tried to convince my wife to go and live there but i didnt suceed. In the last 8 yrs i lived in another island,a cold one, in tierra del fuego argentina where i ran a hostel beautiful landscape and very good money,no taxes there special economic zone. With the money made there i wad able to buy a car and a house cash here in canada but i cannot work ahah my wige and kid are canadian i loved this country until the immigration process we ll see what happens....the south seas are calling me...wanted to rent beach huts....signed an italian adventurer...now im in a 1400 people village and would like to open a business
thank you for the good karma inlanappl!. i appreciate it and i gave you good karma too!. I think everyone going through this process deserves only good karma??.. hahahah .
I so feel you on the money issue. we bought a house here with only five years savings cash!!. . I lived in bermuda which is off thye Atlantic. Lovely place. lovely people.. i made GREAT money!. I saved up for this move and its a year later and we have two cars (bought cash!) and a huge house bought cash as well. SOmething we wouldnt have done in bermuda. so yeah i am greatful for this opportunity and to get that phase off my life over. The weather in bermuda was so awesome. No snow and beautiful beaches :). Sometimes i wanna go back because the only thing that made me move was my kids. I believe Canada had a better ethic for them and there was more opportunity herre for them adn i was right.

What kind of business would you like to open?. ive been thinking about it too but not too sure what kind. where in Canada are you living?.


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Jul 21, 2010
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Thanks for the karma blackberry!! The idea would be to open a cafe b&b the house is pretty big we are lpcated in eastern quebec in the gaspesie region. Im happy that we have so much in common.....hahaha....love for sun islands, kid, house and car bought cash and the immigration process inland!!!! Anyway maybe we are a bit stressed out but if we came here im sure there is a reason .the area where i live is really beautiful and peaceful and if the cafe b&b will not work next time i will convince my wife to go ....dont know where....anyay bureucracy sucks in every country in argentina it was really bad too and italy too is famous for that but i didnt expect it from canada. Anyway if we bought a house here we love this country, no? Of course yes!!


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Jul 22, 2010
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19-5-2011 (hopefully!)
I agree with mmhughes... I think, Mrs. B, that is only a question each of us can answer for ourselves. I'm a Canadian living outside of Canada at the moment and as much as I liked life in Canada before, I appreciate it even more now. This is not to say there's anything wrong with other countries or that Canada is the best country in the world (though I do think it's up there) but I think there is a reason why so many people want to move there. If it was a less desirable country with less benefits for citizens then the immigration process would be a breeze.

I'm pretty sure that while all of us wish our process was faster and easier, we would all agree that it's not practical to just open up the doors and say welcome to every person that wants to move to Canada. So yes, unfortunately there are some people who end up having a difficult time with their applications and sometimes the wrong people get rejected (and sometimes the wrong people get approved) but I wouldn't want to be in the shoes of the people making these decisions because it must be pretty hard to know sometimes.

The process might be frustrating but we each have a reason why we're all writing our stories on this forum rather than saying 'forget it, let's stay in [insert country]'


Champion Member
Nov 4, 2008
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Different people have different experiences some good some bad..........Depends where u fit in and yes it is your decision to move to CANADA!!!!!


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I'm moving to Canada to be with my wife. I'm glad she lives there, as I believe it's one of the greatest countries in the world, and in my view, superior to the United States in many ways. If it were not for her, I'd probably be looking to get out of here as it is. I can't stand the constant political and international drama stirred up by us. I'd rather live somewhere relatively quiet, in a nation that takes better care of its people, and generally doesn't find itself in the in the middle of the global spotlight. Meh.


Aug 19, 2010
my common in law partner and I are hopefully going to be moving to Canada next year. I am from there, I love it and miss it so much. I have been living abroad with my CILP and I know that for us, many ppl say why are you moving back to Canada? (we are currently in Spain). The reasons are endless. If we want to have a solid future, we know that it is in Canada. We will have more opportunities that we cant have here. Our children will be appreciative for these decisions I am sure. To all the ppl who are thinking or have moved to Canada, God bless you.


mrs B

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Dec 5, 2009
for mmhughes, I have been here for 25 years, was just little , immigrated with mt parents, they went back to the netherlands in july 2010. they had enough, they said Canada has changed sooooooo much in the last 5 years, wich is my problem to, this used to be a good country, to many changes to much like US, europe ect