For me, the short answer is yes.
I don't know if it's different for you since you were not born in Canada, and you come from the Netherlands which is a western place with a high standard of living so I could imagine that you could take or leave Canada.
When I first came to the UK to be with my partner whose work Visa for Canada expired, I was excited at the idea of living in another country. Now I've completely had enough and frequently find myself depressed and longing for home. I hate Council Tax, Expensive Public Transport, Gas/Electricity Bills, paying too much Tax and National Insurance, and struggling month after month financially. I had a great life in Canada, lots of friends, and enough money to support three people if I wanted to. Electricity was only $12.50 per month and oh how I long for the days of free heat and hot water. For me, finances are one of the most stressful parts of living outside of Canada.
The second most stressful for me is the culture differences. You wouldn't think there was anything significant, but for me there are. I find it so difficult to find common ground with people here, and generally find them much more reserved and difficult to talk to. I made friends so much more easily in Canada. People can be a lot more moany and negative here too in my experience. Whereas in Canada, I generally woke up feeling enthusiastic and ready to go, here I just feel as drab as the weather. In regular situations with my friends or in social places, I feel confident in being myself. In formal situations, I can be quite shy and somewhat easily 'stepped on' by others that I don't know personally (like work colleagues). In Canada, it was nothing to worry about because everyone was generally polite and after a short while I'd creep out of my shell and be a little more "myself" and confident when I got confident with the new formal situation, whereas people here are... I hesitate to say rude... but maybe "more direct" is a better description? Sometimes I feel a little too direct. So direct that it takes me much, much longer to get used to a new formal situation (not good as a temp who doesn't have time to absorb and fit in!)
Don't get me wrong there are LOADS of things I think England does much better than Canada - for example subsidized dentistry and Guinness and Beef Pies! Oh I can't forget Cream Teas

But for me England is just not an option. It has become clear that I do not belong in this country and as I approach the two-year mark of living here, I am getting itchier and itchier to leave.
So, in answer to your question, yes. This is REALLY what I/we want.
My partner, who is English, agrees with me on most things. Whereas he can sort of 'get on with it' because he is used to it, he can totally see where I'm coming from having lived and worked with me in Victoria and seen the difference. We're both pretty set on setting up a life in Canada. If it means jumping through hoops, I guess we'll say, "How high?"
Sorry about the rant. It's Thanksgiving and I'm thankful for being able to be with my partner when I know loads of couples have to be apart. We just got back from The Maple Leaf pub in London for Thanksgiving Dinner. It was enjoyable and I really liked talking to other Canadians but it just made me miss home even more - the turkey was like round circles of sandwich meat!