please don't bring your mobile phones here, they wont work except on rogers network. that is way way way too costly.
u will have to buy mobile phone from here so ur phone will be useless. even that wont sell here. so better sell ur high value phones in Pakistan before coming. buy any small set just for travelling and then buy from here.
also for anything u need credit history of at least 4 months.............obviously u wont have one so u cant buy mobiles on lower rates or on plans. u will be left to buy on prepaid and on full prices.
like Motorola G 2nd gen was free on 2 years plan but as I didn't had credit history for 4 months, I was left to buy it for CAD250.
I bought sim for Wind mobile. its very good company with cheaper rates. the minimum plan was CAD35 + 13% tax = CAD39.50.
in that u get Canada wide unlimited calls, texts, pic msgs and 2gb data. now the best part is when u exhaust ur 2gb data limit....they wont charge u anything extra but just lower down ur speed. wind mobile is 3g so net speed is somewhere between 1 and 4 mb depending on signals............after limit the lower speed they give u is 256kbps. so not a bad deal but monthly CAD40!
don't start converting anything into rupees.......that will give u nightmares
better plan to buy ur car asap in Canada...........public transport is extremely costly.......minimum fare is cad3.5 per person............so if u goes somewhere with ur family then ur at least 10 12 dollars for one side and again same for return. also bus stops are not near by and they are far away at least 10 mins walk.........that can be 20mins or more. also sometimes u have to change 2 busses.
so instead of wasting 30 40 dollars daily.........better buy car. don't buy expensive one, Toyota and Honda are market leaders here in small cars category (they count Toyota camry and Honda accord as small car

), they have good resale value and also good market. cars are cheap but most expensive thing is insurance. but again it will cost u same as public transport but u are saved the hassle of travelling to stops and waiting. especially it will save u 2 3 hours per day for job........cos bus comes after 25 mins........every 25 mins......if u miss one then wait 25 mins.
good luck.