hardipkhatri said:STEP 3: PREPARE YOUR DOCUMENTS
1. Passport(s) OR photocopy(ies) of passport(s), as explained in Step 2.
2. Two (2) photos of yourself and of each accompanying family member. See our specifications at www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/pdf/5445EB-e.pdf
3. One self-addressed, pre-paid envelope with your complete mailing address so that we can return your passport(s) and Confirmation of Permanent Residence documents. Please see details in step 4.
4. One copy of this letter.
These are the things they asked me with PPR
Mine has only 3 steps. They didn't ask for pictures. It was probably because I was looking so handsome that they didn't want to ruin the impression with a different picture.