Quink said:
Good idea! You should do it since it's your idea... I'll keep tabs on it and share my info there.
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anua 20nov.14[AB] 16Sept. 17Sept. 18Sept 28Sept. 29Sept.
R1982 01dec.14[BC] 16Sept. 17Sept. 21Sept. 29Sept. 30Sept.
FiniteElement13nov.14 [00] 16Sept. 17Sept. 21Sept. 30Sept. 01Oct.
g_gurna 01dec.14 [00] 18Sept. 19Sept. 22Sept. 29Sept. 30Sept.
Quink 11Dec.14[BC] 21Sept. 21Sept. 23Sept. 29Sept. 30Sept.
Mikmik 24jan.14 [00] 21Sept. 21Sept. 23Sept. 02Oct. 05Oct.
AdorableJat 27nov.14[SK] 21Sept. 21Sept. 23Sept. 02Oct 05Oct.
wang tzu 28oct.14 [BC] 21Sept. 21Sept. 24Sept. 30Sept. 01Oct.
varun5990 24nov.14[BC] 21Sept. 22Sept. 24Sept. 02Oct. 05Oct.
jerryxiaohua 12nov.14 [ON] 29Sept. 30Sept. 01Oct. 20Oct. 21Oct.
pardeep1328 20nov.14 [BC] 01Oct. 02Oct. 05Oct. 21Oct. 22Oct.
BCPNP2014 01dec.14 [BC] 02Oct. 02Oct. 05Oct. 21Oct. 22Oct.
divixixi 12dec.14 [00] 02Oct. 02Oct. 05Oct. 26Oct. 27Oct.
Rick73 11dec.14[SK] 01Oct. 02Oct. 07Oct. 26Oct. 27Oct.
sanjjh 08dec.14[AB] 00Oct. 13Oct. 14Oct. 26Oct. 27Oct.
Danny81 16oct.14 [00] 02Oct. 00Oct. 14Oct. 28Oct. 29Oct.
fflorenc 15dec.14[00] 02Oct. 14Oct. 16Oct. 27Oct. 28Oct.
tenkrun10 16oct.14 [00] 21Oct. 21Oct. 23Oct. ? ?
SpoonRaccoon 00xxx.14[AB] 15Oct. 26Oct. ? ? ?
xinghb 12Dec.13 [MB] 15Oct. 23Oct. 27Oct. ? ?