I've just discovered this site and I thought I'd share my experience. We also went through Quebec.
Spouse sponsorship Application sent on 01 April 2015 and approved on 28 May. Approval letter received on 04 Jun.
Quebec CSQ application sent 08 Jun, approved 13 Jul and CSQ received 17 Jul.
Ecas was already showing the following by the time the CSQ arrived:
1.We received application for permanent residence on April 01, 2015.
2.We started processing application on July 01, 2015.
3.Medical results have been received.
I've noticed that the ecas status was switched from "received" to "in process" on 02 Jul.
CSQ sent to paris visa office on 20 Jul.
Since then I have not heard anything until ecas status was suddenly switched from "in process" to "Decision made" on 25 Aug without even showing an extra line saying " the visa office will contact you regarding the decision". It was just updated to "Decision made" and that was it

Since we are from visa non exempted country I thought we should get email requesting passport before seeing a "Decision made" status on ecas. I've checked our email but there were no communication from Paris. I was really worried and thought that maybe our visa is refused and I was really confused because I thought they could have at least requested us to attend an interview before rejecting our immigrant visa. But no interview, no email, no letter, nothing.
I was getting ready to email the office this week an see if the reply back with an update on what is going one with our application but I was really have today when my wife told me she just received a passport request email from Paris at 1pm today 09 Sep

. ooooh boy! what a relief! I wonder why ecas was updated to decision made first before passport request and why I took Paris nearly 2 weeks to finally send passport request email???
Anyway, I thought I should share this experience. It might help in case someone find himself in the same situation. apparently "decision made" before passport request does not necessarily means rejection.
Thank you and good luck to all!