wow this thred is already got 6701 review and 352 message way to go all parenst sponser, few ppl alreday in the game ahed already got approval for sponsership some still waiting and parying to get the good news like me ;D hope will get them soon , keep sharing your informations ppl and help eachother ;D Good luck to you all. by the way i am in the last loop from u all :'( finally i am done with my applications and CIC recived it today 13 feb so hope full after 2 months i will see may stattus get updated to approve as well

Good luck
xizheng913 : CIC just started the process for the additional documnets on nov 25 2011 as far as i know they ask the additioal document request till January 2009 sponser, so hope fully the next batch will be yours ;D onece they done the 2007 & 2008 sponser applicant. My advice to you is start colletiong the informations from now as there are lots of complicated informations needed and also you will be fist to send them not end up like me last :

below is the link for the forms to fill out by applicant

IMM008, IMM 5669, IMM 5406
Some additional documents such as passoprt copy, birth certificate, house registry , national identity documnets, parents marraige certificates, depndent full time study proof also got requested from CIC when they requested this form
go to below link to get the document checklist

for parents sposership
following into your browser: