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parents sponsership joine here


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Suin said:
so happy for you! :) congratulations! :)
Aww thanks :) is your problem solved regarding income?


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Apr 5, 2010
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Suin said:
thank you for your kind reply, rajmalhotra7. we really get worried, we just cannot fail our application. Our application year is 2010. there are 5 of us (husband, wife and three kids), and we are sponsoring just one parent - our mother.
we had enough money in 2009 and 2010, but 2011 was not filed properly and we are afraid that we are falling short...
please do help us to calculate the lowest income we need to show to be eligible to sponsor.
thank you so much in advance.
For 6 people (5 in Canada and 1 to be sponsored), you need to make income as follows:

2010 - $52,699
2011 - $52,838
2012 - $53,808


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Apr 5, 2010
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kandel said:
OMG friends i have received APPROVAL LETTER just now letter was typed on sep 25 2012 :D
finally i have completed step 1 yayyyyyy my file went to New Delhi as i have a dependant :)
la la la i m soo happy 8)
thankyou thankyou thankyou everyone for your prayes and best wishes luv u all.... ;D
Congratulations Kandel... you must be in a dancing and singing mode right now.... you should be....


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rajmalhotra7 said:
Congratulations Kandel... you must be in a dancing and singing mode right now.... you should be....
Thanks Raj.. oh ofcourse i am :)


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user828 said:
1, 2 are for Quebec
does it mean that LICO includes both family and a sponsored parent together?


Hero Member
Jun 3, 2012
Suin said:
Hello guys,
could you please advise how much minimum income should be for a family of 5 with 1 sponsored parent? we are getting worried that our accountant has not filed enough. please do help with calculation.
thank you.
hi, hope this helps
If Canadian or Permanent Resident want to sponsor their parents or grandparents to immigrate to Canada, they must have a minimum income every year. The following we listed each year’s Low Income Cut-Off for federal government Low Income Cut-Off.
We list them here just want to let us see how Canada Government is increasing the requirement of low income, no matter the economic status was worse or better in that year.
We can see the Low Income Cut-Off is on the one way to going up, people need more income year by year:

Effective from January 1 to December 31 2012
Low Income Cut-Off (LICO)
Size of Family Unit Minimum necessary income
1 person (the sponsor) $22,637
2 persons $28,182
3 persons $34,646
4 persons $42,065
5 persons $47,710
6 persons $53,808
7 persons $59,907
More than 7 persons, for each additional person, add $6,099

Effective from January 1 to December 31 2011

Size of Family Unit Minimum necessary income
1 person $22,229
2 persons $27,674
3 persons $34,022
4 persons $41,307
5 persons $46,850
6 persons $52,838
7 persons $58,827
More than 7 persons, for each additional person, add $5,989

Effective from January 1 to December 31 2010
Size of Family Unit Minimum necessary income
1 person (the sponsor) $22,171
2 persons $27,601
3 persons $33,933
4 persons $41,198
5 persons $46,727
6 persons $52,699
7 persons $58,673
More than 7 persons, for each additional person, add $5,974

Effective from January 1 to December 31 2009
Size of Family Unit Minimum necessary income
1 person (the sponsor) $21,666
2 persons $26,972
3 persons $33,159
4 persons $40,259
5 persons $45,662
6 persons $51,498
7 persons $57,336
More than 7 persons, for each additional person, add $5,838

Effective from January 1 to December 31 2008
Size of Family Unit Minimum necessary income
1 person (the sponsor) $21,202
2 persons $26,396
3 persons $32,450
4 persons $39,399
5 persons $44,686
6 persons $50,397
7 persons $56,110
More than 7 persons, for each additional person, add $5,713

Effective from January 1 to December 31 2007
Size of Family Unit Minimum necessary income
1 person (the sponsor) $20,337
2 persons $25,319
3 persons $31,126
4 persons $37,791
5 persons $42,862
6 persons $48,341
7 persons $53,821
For each additional person $5,480


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24-02-2015, PR Card Received: 02-04-2015
kandel said:
Aww thanks :) is your problem solved regarding income?
thank you kandel and rajmalhotra7 and raju735 - very helpful

thank you for all your help. after reading a sponsorship manual I got totally confused. they talk about valid undertakings and the amount of people of the previous sponsorship undertakings.

they explain how to calculate the family size:
1. yourself,
2. your spouse or common-law partner and
3. dependent children
4. the number of persons you are now sponsoring
5. If you have a co-signer, count all persons covered by still valid undertakings made or co-signed by your co-signer.
Calculate the number of persons covered in steps 1 to 5. The total represents the family size

Yes, I do have a co-signer (my husband) and he did sponsor me and our kids. So how can I count us all now, as myself and our kids are included in my co-signers valid undertakings - do we need to count us twice?
really confused now.


Hero Member
Jun 3, 2012
Suin said:
thank you kandel and rajmalhotra7 and raju735 - very helpful

thank you for all your help. after reading a sponsorship manual I got totally confused. they talk about valid undertakings and the amount of people of the previous sponsorship undertakings.

they explain how to calculate the family size:
1. yourself,
2. your spouse or common-law partner and
3. dependent children
4. the number of persons you are now sponsoring
5. If you have a co-signer, count all persons covered by still valid undertakings made or co-signed by your co-signer.
Calculate the number of persons covered in steps 1 to 5. The total represents the family size

Yes, I do have a co-signer (my husband) and he did sponsor me and our kids. So how can I count us all now, as myself and our kids are included in my co-signers valid undertakings - do we need to count us twice?
really confused now.
hi, just follow the table and dont confuse urself.......can u pls tell how many member r in ur family and whom r u sponsoring (ur mom and dad or just mom/dad)


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Apr 5, 2010
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Suin said:
Yes, I do have a co-signer (my husband) and he did sponsor me and our kids. So how can I count us all now, as myself and our kids are included in my co-signers valid undertakings - do we need to count us twice?
really confused now.
LICO includes for family members in Canada + persons to be sponsored.

You do not need to count twice. If your husband sponsored you and kids, that is fine. Now your husband is a co-signer, that is also fine. You jst need to make LICO for 6 people for sponsoring parent. No need to count twice because of previous spousal sponsorship.


Hero Member
Jun 3, 2012
rajmalhotra7 said:
LICO includes for family members in Canada + persons to be sponsored.

You do not need to count twice. If your husband sponsored you and kids, that is fine. Now your husband is a co-signer, that is also fine. You jst need to make LICO for 6 people for sponsoring parent. No need to count twice because of previous spousal sponsorship.
yes u r right.....to make thing simple and straight forward count family member (in canada) and add the # of person u r sponsoring and follow the year to show income in which year u sponsored


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raju735 said:
hi, just follow the table and dont confuse urself.......can u pls tell how many member r in ur family and whom r u sponsoring (ur mom and dad or just mom/dad)
myself + my husband + 3 kids + our mother (just one sponsored parent)


Hero Member
Apr 6, 2012
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Hello dear Kandel
Congratulations .I am so so so happy for you. I can imagine how happy you would be .what a beautiful and memorable day for you.
I missed this happy news as I was out doing grocery.
Congratulations once again. :)


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Sep 14, 2008
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24-02-2015, PR Card Received: 02-04-2015
rajmalhotra7 said:
LICO includes for family members in Canada + persons to be sponsored.

You do not need to count twice. If your husband sponsored you and kids, that is fine. Now your husband is a co-signer, that is also fine. You jst need to make LICO for 6 people for sponsoring parent. No need to count twice because of previous spousal sponsorship.
yes, I totally agree with you, just that line from the manual "If you have a co-signer, count all persons covered by still valid undertakings made or co-signed by your co-signer." makes me totally confused as we are still under that valid undertaking.

thank you for your help a lot.


Hero Member
Jun 3, 2012
Suin said:
myself + my husband + 3 kids + our mother (just one sponsored parent)
so 5 person in canada (i.e. ur family members) + 1 person to be sponsored (i.e. ur mom) so total 6 member......in which year u applied?


Hero Member
Apr 6, 2012
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Hi Suin
Those people are like sponsered parents or siblings which I guess you don't have.
When I filled the form I just mentioned our daughters whose undertaking is until 18 years but didn't count her twice.I ddn't count myself because my undertaking time was done.But if we had some other family members sponserd then we had to mention them and also count them in family as their undertaking would have still valid.

You are just 6 people ,but if your and kids undertaking is valid I guess you have already mentioned in co signers form while applying.Thats what I did.