what office is processing your application? Delhi or Mississauga?Hello team,
Kindly update the sheet.
Medical request - May 31, 2021
Medical complete: Aug 21, 2021 (medical passed)
Biometrics done: Sep 13, 2021
Additional docs requested (Sep 27, 2021)
1. Proof of relationship
2. Travel History
3. Employment history (government employee)
4. PCC
Seniors - please help
This is the second time I have received request for "Proof of relationship". I have already submitted twice.
1st submission (with application): My Passport + My Education Doc
2nd submission. My education certificates and pan card
The challenge is that my father's middle name on his documents is "Govind" and his name on my documents is "Gobind". I have submitted letter explaining the reason for this difference and how both names are the same in India. I also submitted my Pan card that has correct name of my father (Govind). Even then I received the request of proof of relationship. What could be the reason for this repeat request? What else can I submit?
Can one difference in letter in the name be a big thing?
Also, my father has already completed the medical. I assumed that since he has received medical request, proof of relationship must be satisfied now.
I am a bit concerned now. I have requested GCMS notes but that may take some time to come.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.