Hello All,
My parents received a passport request along with family information form that is required to be filled and send it to them by mail when submitting the passport. Do I put in information about all family members (Dependents) regardless of their name in the application or not? or is it only for the ones that are on the application?
5) PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR YOU, YOUR SPOUSE, AND CHILDREN: (Please continue on a separate sheet if you have additional children) Applicant Spouse Dep1 Dep2 Dep3 Dep4 Dep5 Family Name Given Name Date of Birth Passport Number Date of Expiry Height (inches /cm) Eye Colour Contact Telephone Number(s): NOTE: Your passports and photos must be received by the visa office in Islamabad within 30 days of the date of this letter. Failure to comply with this request could result in the refusal of your application. Please include a copy of this letter along with your submission. Sincerely, Migration Section THIS IS A VALID COMPUTER GENERATED LETTER AND DOES NOT REQUIRE ANY SIGNATURE