You submitted your app early, around this time, sponsorship should already be approved. My submission June 21, and they have sent medical requests last year in October.
I actually got approved for SA on September 11, 2019 (got to know this with GCMS notes). Note added on September 11, 2019.
The second Note on September 11, 2019
"Biometrics fees provided, as per IMM0008, PA/DEP Spouse are residing in Canada until 2020/01/29. For review." They didn't send me the biometrics requests at all after that.
Down the road, my marital status got changed from Single to Married in Dec 2019. I have updated them on this and after that till today (Dec 2019 to Jan 2021) nothing moved at all.
Order GCMS notes multiple times, Just a pathetic Government department.