Good day Everyone,
I called IRCC this morning and discussed the letter requesting IMM5768 form again. She reviewed the PR application and mentioned that as the application was sent through mail, she could not review any forms as the officer has not scanned and uploaded them. She recommended sending the same form again which was sent originally with the application package if nothing changed. If something changed/got updated, then asked to advise the officer. Also, she asked to attach a letter mentioning if the officer requires current financials, (as the form mentions financials 3 years prior to the date application was sent) they can feel free to ask for it or check CRA account.
I reviewed the form IMM5768 (which I sent last year) and noticed that I did not elaborate the period of employment and mentioned the annual salary against that period. For ex: If I worked in a company from Jan 2016 till Sep 2019, I mentioned that in one row and listed the annual package under the gross income column. When I looked at the form again, I got confused myself. I believe my thought last year was that I authorized IRCC to retrieve my income information from the CRA, which is why I only listed the annual package.
What I am thinking now is to split the employment history into multiple rows detailing out each calendar year starting Jan 2016 till June 2019 (when the application was sent) and send a letter mentioning the changes I made to this form vs what I submitted earlier and if they require financials (July 2019 till present), they can ask for it or review CRA accounts.
Please advise if I should be doing something additional here.
I hope this information helps forum members who received request to resend IMM5786 again.
@deepi06, and
@canuck78 - I hope I answered your questions. If not, please let me know.